Flourishing Beyond the Horizon. Together, We Thrive.
Project: Homebase Earth
Status: possible


Research&Development Institute
Based on the groundbreaking thesis The Monopoly Effect, we explore, create and develop down to Earth opportunities and solutions in 8 critical areas to make Project: Homebase Earth a reality for you and our next generations.
Pilot School
We are building a Prototype School for children and teenagers to enjoy natural learning to become the seekers and builders of the future.
Adult training
We offer Experiential Learning Journeys for the public and business leaders, starting in the areas of humanism, education and preparing Adolescents for their adult life.

Mission Bridge
Hope stirs in the quiet sanctuaries of humanity’s collective spirit, a seed waiting for light. We are not bound by the fractures of the present, but called to rediscover the shared rhythm of our existence towards evolution. Project: Homebase Earth stands as a beacon, its leaders guiding toward the next great chapter in our story. Together, we will transcend rivalry and awaken a renaissance of cooperation and care, crafting a world where Earth and the stars beyond hold our flourishing future.
Mission Pillars


Systemic Change

Mission Stations
From unruly critical paradigms to a high quality life for all:
we cooperatively explore, develop, educate, offer and implement.

Turning around the degeneration of our relationships towards an altruistic global society without losing sight for local cultures, traditions and needs. Hereby it is important to move away from harmful exclusivities that negatively affect different areas of life and the spheres.

Education needs a complete overhaul. It should be based on a "new" humanism, neuroscience, and a strong focus on the biosphere. With the vision of 'Project: Homebase Earth', learning naturally drives seeking, providing and exploring based on how the brain learns best.

Leadership and decision-making processes need new definitions and guidelines. This will help create meaningful actions that ensure the integrity of our environment, improve development and quality of life, and bring joy to our future endeavours.

​We need new strategies and laws that address the interconnections and hierarchy of the spheres. Future decisions, both global and local, focus on the mid- and long-term integrity of these spheres to benefit all life and support Earth as our homebase.

Technology supports the development and quality of life. Its meaningful use helps avoid unnecessary suffering while enhancing safety, provisioning, and exploration. For AI, it is important that technology is used ethically and responsibly, ensuring fairness, transparency, and respect for privacy.

We need an economy that respects the rules of nature and addresses our true needs. We need an economy that serves the bio- and life sphere entirely. We need a real world economy and financial practices only. We need an economy that supports the development of life, hence ensuring the financing of respective projects.

Income is based on the true value of work and the needs of an individual's life situation. It ensures safety, provision, and opportunities development. While property remains property, it requires a new set of accountability measures. Property rights do not lead to exploitation or harm of the spheres.

All resources are managed and used to develop and improve the quality of life for everyone. Consumption is based on need, is healthy, and respects local and individual circumstances and needs. Tech may optimise, forecast, and manage resources for our long term perspective to live on Earth as long as naturally possible.
Active Missions
Experiential Learning Journeys

A "new" humanism is emerging on the mission bridge. Its core is integrating human life naturally into the biosphere and harmonising it with technology. Here, the biosphere is central, and technology supports us.
This humanistic approach, combined with various scientific fields, will form the foundation for mission stations to create, develop, and implement comprehensive, biosphere-oriented solutions and sets the tone for our relationships between us, nature and technology.

Our prototype school project is flourishing! We've secured a spacious 2800 square meters of land to build and operate our one-of-a-kind education and training facility, accommodating up to 200 kids. With a dedicated construction partner on board, the school's construction is already financed and underway. We've finalised agreements for both the land lease and the building construction. Our comprehensive education and business plans are all set, paving the way for our grand opening in the summer of 2026.

Advanced progress at the ISA R&D institute for 'Project: Homebase Earth'! While our virtual setup is flourishing, we're gearing up for the next phase with these key steps:
Finding a suitable physical home for the institute anywhere on Earth
Forming the team ready to create
Getting the funds needed for the next 10 years of operation
We are open for inquiries & applications.

Mission Needs

Our mission station leaders are visionaries, possessing advanced cognitive abilities to grasp the bigger picture. They excel in connecting the dots across their expertise, other mission stations, and our overarching vision.
We're on the lookout for top-notch station leaders who epitomise quality performance: with a minimum of 10 years of hands-on experience, up-to-date training, and a strong commitment to the three D's: Dedication, Determination, and Discipline.
Join us and unleash your creativity! We offer the freedom to innovate and develop your visionary solutions in your field to create Homebase Earth.
Content Creators

Our content creators are experts in their fields of expertise, deeply committed to the importance of organic, practice-oriented education and training. Using our unique pedagogy of 'Neurodidactics combined with experiential and outdoor learning,' they develop sophisticated and interconnected curricula for our pilot school and any educational institution aiming to excel in the future.
By joining us, you will be part of a transformative educational movement, shaping the minds of the next generation. Your expertise will help unleash the true potential of every child on Earth, creating a brighter, more innovative future. Together, let's redefine education and inspire greatness.

Invest in Humanity's Future: Support Project: Homebase Earth
At Project: Homebase Earth, our mission is to create an exciting and innovative foundation for future generations. To achieve this ambitious vision, we need your support to secure funding for at least 10 years. This funding is critical to developing our proof of concept through our pioneering R&D Institute and our transformative pilot school.
Funds needed for the R&D Institute
CHF 40 million over 10 years
Funds needed for the Pilot School
CHF 7.5 million over 10 years
A Home

'Project: Homebase Earth' needs a home, a real home.
We need a beautiful house (e.g. farm house, country house, loft) that is inviting, bright and available for at least 10 years. We need larger rooms for seminars and training, a kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms as well as plenty of space to relax (especially outdoors).
We are seeking a safe, nurturing, relaxed place close to nature and in a country open to host our project and our global team.
Ideally, we need space to work and live on the premises or nearby for up to 30 people, starting in 2025.
Do you have or know about a home for us?
Mission Entity - ISA
ISA - InterStellarAssociation is based in Switzerland. Founded in 2020, the purpose of ISA is to create, develop and offer comprehensive opportunities and solutions for the development of Human life on Earth with special focus on Relationships and Education.

Our Core Values
Innovation with Purpose Exploration with Wonder
Empowerment through Knowledge Collaboration with Compassion

Mission Leadership
Mission AI Team

Curriculum Advisor

Chief Researcher

Law Counsellor

MarCom Advisor

Content Creator

Fact Checker
